May 31, 2009

"Nobody Can Know What is Really True?"

I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. (1 John 2:21).

People today are taught to glorify contradiction, to embrace that which is absurd, to prefer that which is subjective, and to let feelings (rather than intellect) determine what they believe.

Scripture itself is completely free of all errors and deficiencies. "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the law to fail" (Luke 16:17). That is how Christ viewed Scripture, and anyone who takes a different approach is not in that respect a genuine follower of Christ.

Scripture should be both the starting point and the final test of truth in all our thinking. If Scripture is wholly true, then anything that contradicts Scripture is simply false, even if we're talking about the fundamental beliefs upon which the world's most popular ideologies are based.

That sort of black and white rationality is one of the main reasons biblical Christianity is intolerable in a generation that despises the very idea of absolute truth.

(From the small book, Why One Way? by John MacArthur. Recommended reading for everybody!!! IF I WERE RATING THIS LITTLE BOOK, IT WOULD BE AT THE TOP OF THE LIST, even before all those other books you are reading! and the good news is that its on sale at or get it at

May 28, 2009

A.W. Pink on Loving the Brothers

The exercise of brotherly love is not only a testimony to the world, but it is also evidence to Christians themselves of their regeneration:

“We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren” (1 John 3:14).

There should be a word of comfort here for those poor saints whose souls are cast down. At present, they cannot “read their title clear to mansions in the sky,” and are afraid to cry “Abba, Father” (Galatians 4:6), lest they be guilty of presumption.

But here is a door of hope opened to Christ’s little ones:

You may, dear reader, be afraid to affirm that you love God, but do you not love His people? If you do, you must have been born again and have in you the same spiritual nature that is in them.

But do I love them?

Well, do you relish their company, admire what you see of Christ in them, wish them well, pray for them, seek their good?
If so, you certainly love them.

- A. W. Pink, Defining Brotherly Love (reprinted in the Free Grace Broadcaster #206)

May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Spending time reading the Bible every single day over the past 6 years, has caused my convictions about many things to change and grow firm in many ways.

One big way is learning the importance of honoring and respecting those to whom we owe honor and respect (Ephesians 6:2; Romans 13:7).

Memorial day is a day to remember the great sacrifices of many men who loved their people enough to die for them in order to provide the freedom everybody wanted.

Those sacrifices should be remembered, and our military, government, soldiers and men should be honored and respected by all in so much as is due them. We would not be able to enjoy so much of the freedom we now do if God had not given us men who would fight.

Nevertheless, since we live in a fallen, evil world of sin, we must remember that these imperfect sacrifices only point us to a sacrifice far greater, and a love incredibly stronger than any other has ever shown.

Jesus is our ultimate Hero (Revelation 5:13). Let's honor Him by thanksgiving, praise, fear, love and obedience to His gracious Word.

A Poem: Born Blind

A Poem I wrote, which I found while cleaning my room today, so I adjusted it a little and here it is:

Born Blind

Born blind like the beggar
not knowing the light.

Secret hopes and heartaches
in hidden darkness for a night.

Cold winds and icy hearts
could not lift the veil.

Skilled entertainment arts
amused, but wouldn't fill the sail.

Cuttin' wood to burn in parts
carving the rest like baal.

Flowing from Adam's seed,
the fruit of death its reward.

Without recognition of a need,
destined for fiery wrath and sword.

Until one righteous man
was shown to be Son of God.

Fulfilling all His Father's plan
His word hit like a lightning rod.

Abasing pride,
the lowly lifted.

When He died
then faith was sifted.

And when He rose
then did He shine,

and some He chose
to witness the sign.

Told to go and tell
glad tidings to this earth.

Redeeming some from hell
by this gift of the new birth.

Then my eyes were opened,
first time I saw.

My hardened heart was softened
so the blinding scales could fall.

There in a shining light
stood my LORD of glory,

Who gave me first sight,
so begins my story.

The New Birth is a Miracle of Grace, free, undeserved, unearned and given to those who are helpless to help themselves. Cry to Jesus Christ. He lives.

May 19, 2009

Grace Abounding: "T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear"

Perhaps my favorite line in the song Amazing Grace is this one:
"T'was grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved."
I feel what is being said in that line, because I actually experienced it.

I went again with Matt to the streets of York today, taking this topic of fear, and beginning to ask people, "What is your biggest fear?" My verse was taken from Matthew 10:28, and I read it to as many people as I could.

There was even a small group of homeless men that listened to me speak for about 10 minutes or less at the park benches near the market. One of them argued that we are not supposed to fear God if we are Christians. Another said it means respect.

Later, a limping man said that this is what York needs to hear right now, after I explained the resurrection of Christ and God's great power to save. (Pray for Will, he accepted a New Testament from Matt).

One reason this verse was so relevant in York is because of the recent shootout between young men that killed a 9 year old girl.

The girl was the daughter of an extremely murderous and vile million-dollar Philly drug dealer, who is currently locked up in Philadelphia. The man ordered the deaths of at least one family of witnesses, even having their little children and baby murdered without regret.

York also recently had a rally of locals marching in protest against all the killings related to drugs and violence.

That is why this verse was so relevant for tonight... and may it be for us all.

"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28

Truly there is only One to Whom we owe all fear.

Download here this excellent sermon preached Sunday by Pastor Mark Leoffert: The Fear of God

May 14, 2009

Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize... by grace of course

“We may depend upon it that one great reason of the low tone which prevails amongst Christians will be found in the fact that the eye is taken off Christ and fixed upon some lower object.” –C. H. Mackintosh

Whatever other objective goal we have in mind, if it is not under Christ, it will be a worthless pursuit in the end (Phil. 3:7).

To forsake all earthly gain for to find Christ Jesus as our God, Lord, Teacher, Righteousness, Savior, Friend, our “all in all” (Eph. 1:23), is to gain indescribably infinitely more now and forever.

If you do not believe this, it isn’t because your eyes have seen the true glory of the Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself up to death to redeem you. Your tongue may have tasted some of His goodness, but never have you consumed Him as your very bread of life. You may have agreed to His goodness and glory, as He is worthy of all worship, but never have you desired Him as your very all in all, in all His attributes.

If you do believe this, then perhaps you have let your first love grow a little cool, so that now other things have clouded your mind besides knowing Christ, being found in Christ and being conformed to Christ. Since this has been my experience, I gratefully throw myself at His pierced feet in repentance and fear, where I find both my pardon and my prize in Him.

The Lord is a Triune God, the only Living One! In all fear and trembling, let us give all praise and thanks to Him who loved us! Amen.

May 6, 2009

Ransomed from a Futile Inheritence

I am reposting this study, because after listening to this powerfully accurate study on the doctrine of the Fear of the Lord, I decided to add some more references to my comment on 1 Peter 1:17.

"And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one's deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers,..."
(1 Peter 1:17-18 ESV).

In this cherished passage, the Apostle Peter tells us that if we consider God to be our own Father through His Son Jesus and by His Holy Spirit, then we are called to live a holy life and to conduct ourselves with exceeding fear (the word in Greek is phobo). The use of the word for fear contains in its Biblical context the meanings of reverence, awe, honor and respect as well (see 1 Peter 2:17; 3:2). 

IMPORTANT: Nevertheless, this word retains the important meaning of being in such dread that one trembles with fear (Psalm 2:11; Philippians 2:12). Such is the only adequate worship of the one Sovereign and Triune God (Revelation 14:7, 15:4).

We are called to have a deep, reverential respect and healthy fear of the God who has purchased us out from our old empty and vain ways, which we naturally inherit from our forefathers. The enslaving ways of lives lived apart from God.

"not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot." (1 Peter 1:19).

The price was valuable. Not just a high price (the highest), but the most valuable price that could be paid. Not because we are in any way worthy, but because God's perfect holiness and righteousness is worthy and must be vindicated (see Romans 3:25-26). We were purchased, redeemed, ransomed from sin, death and hell with the precious blood (the life) of Christ Jesus, the eternal Son of God!

God purchased people from the emptiness of a sinful and vain life, from the eternal torments of a deserved hell, and the judgment of His own justice by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. This is a reason, a real reason to live a set-apart life for God. Not being conformed to this world, but being transformed by the renewal of our minds. Then we will be able to test and discern what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God, our Father (see Romans 12:1-2).

"He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God." (1 Peter 1:20-21).

Salvation, redemption is all found in Christ. Notice that even our faith in God comes through the resurrection and glory of His Son. All glory, honor and thanks be to our Lord! Amen.

My friend, if you are not truly redeemed from an empty life of sin, then your eternity will be spent suffering the price for that sin. Hell is real, and so is the love of God that He would give His Son to purchase sinners from such horrible things. Do not wait another day, but go to the Lord Jesus in prayer immediately and seek to be found having a faith and hope that is in God through Him and a holy life to prove it.

None of your sins will be counted against you if Christ has paid for them and you trust in Him. Your life will be one that is ransomed from futility forever to serve and honor the God whom you may call "Father." Make sure this is your case and not the former.

Grace and peace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible. (Ephesians 6:24).

May 1, 2009

Grace Abounding: FREE The Method of Grace Audio

George Whitefield's sermon titled, The Method of Grace, has continued to impact souls even after more than 200 years since Mr. Whitefield's death. This is a message worth listening to.

I recorded a reading of this sermon a few months ago for some fellow Grace Laborers, and so far, they tell me that almost 50 of them have been passed out on the streets.

Let me know what you think after you listen. May the Lord continue to be gracious to such a worms as we! (Isaiah 41:14).

"they returned... strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God." (Acts 14:21-22).