July 24, 2009

Things I Was and Continue To Be Thankful For

(This is a repost, originally published November 27, 2008, under the title Things I'm Thankful For: just sharing from my heart.)

First, I am thankful to YHWH (Jehovah, the LORD) because He is goodand His steadfast love, His lovingkindness and mercy endures forever:"Give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever." (Psalm 136:1). And also Psalm 138:2"I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted your word above all your name."

I am also thankful that He chose me, loving me forever, even though I am the least worthy of the smallest dirt-crumb of loving kindness from the King of all ages. He loved me by giving His Son to die for me and rise so that I am accepted in His presence, not just for a little while, but forever and ever and ever! (I already feel humbled to the floor just by this thought).

I am thankful for the Bible in English, because that is my language, and people were literally hunted down, arrested, imprisoned, tortured, murdered, strangled and burned for translating the Bible into this language.

I am thankful for everything because I have eternal life, and so everything, whether good or bad is working out for good in eternity according to God's purpose (
Rom. 8:28).

Therefore, I am thankful for grass, and for the sky, for stars, and for family.

For frogs and for salamanders, for water, for the internet, for self-control, for the Holy Spirit in me doing His work by God's grace.

For friends, and for enemies.

For disease, hurts, broken relationships, emotional pain, mental confusion, the misunderstandings and slander of people who do not love the truth.

For wearisome toil, for traffic, for Satan's opposition, for my own temporary humiliation, for God's grace that works through faith which works by love.

For God's promises, and for the birth from above.

For being separated from the world.

I'm thankful for my mother and father, for my niece and nephew, for my brothers and sister.

Even more, I'm thankful I have true brethren in Philly, Pittsburgh, and all around the world who are my eternal family in Christ (we'll be together forever). I'm also thankful for sugar, and insulin too :)

Honestly, I don't 
feel very thankful right now, but I truly am, and I am thankful that God will flood my heart again and again with thanksgiving at the right time... Oh, Lord, make me a thankful man!

How about you?

God bless to all who are resting in the righteousness of our King Jesus!


Kade said...

That's good. We always, no matter what's happening in our lives, have things to be thankful for (especially if we are in Christ). But all too often, I'm more of an ingrate.


I recomend you read 'the gospel primer' by Milton Vincent, if you haven't already. You'd really enjoy it.

Stephanie said...

I appreciate your example in being thankful for the hard stuff too. Not always easy, but it is neat when we catch a glimpse of how God is using it for good.

Penn Tomassetti said...

Life Savior,

We are told to be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus (1 Thes. 5:18). We can only do that as we trust God in Christ for everything.

I don't know about the book, I've got plenty I haven't read on my shelf, but maybe sometime. You are welcome to send me any quotes you like, or link me to a page or something.

I honestly cannot see how God is using some of the things we experience for good. But we know He promised He would (Rom. 8:28), so we must believe His promises.

Grace be with you all and thanks for your comments.