May 14, 2009

Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize... by grace of course

“We may depend upon it that one great reason of the low tone which prevails amongst Christians will be found in the fact that the eye is taken off Christ and fixed upon some lower object.” –C. H. Mackintosh

Whatever other objective goal we have in mind, if it is not under Christ, it will be a worthless pursuit in the end (Phil. 3:7).

To forsake all earthly gain for to find Christ Jesus as our God, Lord, Teacher, Righteousness, Savior, Friend, our “all in all” (Eph. 1:23), is to gain indescribably infinitely more now and forever.

If you do not believe this, it isn’t because your eyes have seen the true glory of the Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself up to death to redeem you. Your tongue may have tasted some of His goodness, but never have you consumed Him as your very bread of life. You may have agreed to His goodness and glory, as He is worthy of all worship, but never have you desired Him as your very all in all, in all His attributes.

If you do believe this, then perhaps you have let your first love grow a little cool, so that now other things have clouded your mind besides knowing Christ, being found in Christ and being conformed to Christ. Since this has been my experience, I gratefully throw myself at His pierced feet in repentance and fear, where I find both my pardon and my prize in Him.

The Lord is a Triune God, the only Living One! In all fear and trembling, let us give all praise and thanks to Him who loved us! Amen.


Stephanie said...

I think tonight, rather than keeping my eyes on Christ, I've been dwelling a bit on the fear I've been feeling about going out tomorrow night again for street evangelism. Afraid I won't know all the answers, afraid of hostile spirited people, and so on. Thanks for the reminder to fix my eyes on Christ, not some lower object. His grace is sufficient!

Penn (Chief Sinner) said...

That little quote from C. H. Mackintosh convicted me so much that I wrote this post in repentance. Thanks for sharing that you are going to hit the streets tomorrow, so now I can pray for you. God bless and may His grace be with you.

Angela said...


This is exactly what I need to be reminded of..not just once, but every day. Steph, I'll pray for you too!

Penn Tomassetti said...

Angela, mee too.

Although I am so thankful that I know these things now, because I could still be living totally ignorant of the grace of God.

Hey praise God for pray-ers!

Stephanie said...

Thank you both for praying! I covet prayers. :D

We had a great night - lots of people took tracts, and I had a couple good conversations...and one of my brothers decided to come with me, and can't wait to go back!

Penn Tomassetti said...

That is great! I'm so glad to hear that the Lord is raising up laborers in the fields of Ontario! Praise God.
I'd like to hear more about it sometime.

Hey, there's a great old movie that I just saw a week ago, it's called In His Steps. Did you ever see that? It's b&w and is very moving. Anyway, the girl in that movie begins a ministry of reaching out to others after she is saved. Maybe you've heard of it.

Stephanie said...

Penn, I'd be happy to tell you more sometime.
I read In His Steps a few years ago but didn't know there was a movie made. I'll have to see if I can find it - good movies are a rarity!